Monday, Monday. In addition to it being Monday, it happens to be a holiday, Memorial Day to be exact. We need to take a moment to honor those who have served our country and to those who continue to serve our country. Like I mentioned before, every day is a weekend or holiday for the unemployed. I guess.
Does that mean we don't work hard? Heck no. I never worked harder. Searching for a job is tough work, and getting an employer to recognize your skills, abilities, and eagerness is difficult. Today the job boards seem to be singing to me... It's the same old song...Actually, blogging about job search has been sort of theraputic for me.
Speaking of theraputic,
This week, I am continuing my training for the 5K that is happening on June 6. It also happens to be my daughter Melissa's birthday week. She will be 19 on June 3. Tomorrow we will have some "bonding" time as we are going to have an afternoon at the spa. I am probably looking forward to it more than she is, but what can I say.
On that note, until tomorrow!
Enjoy some down time! The boards will be there singing on Wednesday too. :)