Thursday, May 27, 2010

Job Post Blasting

Today the weather here in Concord California continues to be nasty. I don't like to go out in the rain. So I haven't left my laptop since 8:30 this morning. I blasted the internet with job postings today. I really should keep better track of all the companies and positions I have applied to. I believe there are many excellent companies out there. My skills are definitely transferrable in ANY industry. So with that in mind, I applied at some great organizations such as Clorox, Dr Pepper Snapple, Safeway, Frito-Lay, wait a second, I see a trend here, do you see it too. Yes, food, except Clorox of course (LOL). But I didn't stop there. I applied at PG&E and Kaiser too. Can't forget about SAMM, and Cisco. There was also KPMG, AAA, Bank of the West, Dolby. WOW, slow down girl. I can't. I want to be able to contribute to society, be gainfully employed and make the unemployment stats go down.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - you have been a busy girl. I did somewhat the same thing awhile back. I drove around while my Mom was here visiting and I drove through all of the office parks and down the main thoroughfares and had her write down every company that we found and I at minimum sent my resume to each of the companies. I am really starting to feel like a "Man of the Night" with regard to my application history.

    Keep up the great work! It will all pay off eventually! :)
